This work is considered secondary-canon. Although it has not yet been removed from the Robotech universe, it is still not considered Primary Canon. See Continuity and Canon in the Robotech Universe. |
Anatole Eli Leonard was the Supreme Commander of the Army of the Southern Cross and the United Earth Forces during the Second Robotech War.
Before the First Robotech War[]

In 2005 he was in The Faithful and advised Geoff Davies not to follow the path that Conrad Wilbur took by doing PR. Despite saying how using Shane Patrick Gleason rampage to convince the people that Robotechnology is dangerous would trivialize the deaths of those Gleason killed, as well as Geoff's brother, Geoff did not agree and Leonard left the group and Jessie went with him. Jessie said they still have many allies and just need an opportunity to make their own group. Later he watched the Inquiry over the Gleason Incident when Roy Fokker testified. (Robotech: Return To Macross: Theaters Of War)
When the RDF was going to test the Destroid Spartan, he arranged an explosion to occur with DaSilva and had Jessie Powell lead a protest and in the chaos, a man took photos of the new Machine. (Robotech: Return To Macross: Storming The Gates)
When Dr. Conrad Wilbur returned to Macross Island, Leonard met with him and said since he left, Faithful has splintered and some go against the way Wilbur and Geoff Davies and are going for more violent means to stop their foes. Leonard knows Davies wants Wilber to speak out against violence and if he does, Leonard will release info on Wilbur's involvement in the sabotage of a Veritech the previous year. Wilbur denies it but Leonard leaves him to choose. (Robotech: Return To Macross: Passing the Torch!)
After Stein and Martin Talbot assassinated Dr. Wilbur, Leonard revealed to Jesse that they did it of their own accord and said he can still use them and won't turn them in. He had Jesse be a Liaison between them and him and has Talbot and Stein capture Nina Lang.(Robotech: Return To Macross: Capturing The Flag)
Leonard used self destructing video terminals to send messages to Emil Lang with instructions on what to do to get his sister back but Lang and Roy tracked the signal to the Uplink Station used to contact the Moon Base and Armor class ships. Roy took out the Van with Jesse, Talbot and Stein and saved Nina and Leonard's plan to get his men onboard the SDF-1 was thwarted. He viewed the debate between Nina and Emil on MBS and felt despair that Nina's words seems to end the support Faithful had. (Robotech: Return To Macross: Paying The Price)
In June of 2005 Anatole met with Da Silva while regretting what happened with Jesse. After recounting how Jesse escaped the truck being destroyed in the kidnapping of Nina, she had broken several bones and was wounded but Anatole got her secret medical attention. But now that she's almost healed, Leonard wanted her taken from the Island, but Da Silva has had enough of Leonard and says Leonard worked for the group, not the group for Leonard. (Robotech: Return To Macross: War Stories).
Malcontent Uprisings[]

In 2015 he was Governor of Brasilia and had his men open fire on Zertraedi during a protest of for shortage. In November founded the ASC to stop raids of Zentraedi in the Southlands. In February of 2016 The ASC attacked the Cairo Summit where the Malcontent leaders were to unify but the attack prevented it. He was more cautious with only going into areas the forces were invited to. He was able to recruit soldiers who opted out of the Reconstruction Movement like Aaron Rawlins and Krista Delgado which helped their image.
Word had it that Leonard turned his group into an Army to rationalize the Brasilia massacre as he wanted it as his own private kingdom and cheated the Zentraedi out of rations, then when they protested he sent in his forces to wipe out the Zeetown. He had been claiming the RDF couldn't defend the Southlands and only the ASC could, but hired mercenaries from Bandit Gangs. In August of 2018 The Madness was wreaking havoc in Cavern City and Lea Carson called the the ASC. Upon arriving at the meeting with Joseph Petrie, he took offense to the presence of Rho Mynalo for being Zentraedi but the other members of the council defended Rho. He also mentioned he kept tabs on military forces in the Southlands and was familiar with the work of Jonathan Wolfe. During the recapping of events over the past few days about this Chemical made by Malcontents that had gotten into The City, Leonard said he would try to keep the uninfected civilians safe but needed total freedom of operation and his men would only take orders from him. Also he requested the power to commandeer emergency vehicles and that his orders would not be countered by government nor RDF. When Lea said it could be worked out, Leonard reminded them that lives were on the line and she consented to his requests. Also he would need Dr. Petrie to have access to the data. When a few infected went wild by the Southern Grand Cannon, he had his men open fire and some innocents were slain, but when Wolfe called him out on it, he replied that he put down a civilian insurrection and there was no way to tell the infected from uninfected. When Wolfe said his son was in that area, Leonard offered his sympathies and said he's try to locate the boy if alive, but no one would be allowed in or out of Cavern City (Robotech II: The Sentinels: The Malcontent Uprisings The Invaders!).
Leonard went on to quarantine the Skull anWolf Squadrons claiming they were the ones who brought the contagion in to the city and they were to remain isolated until the emergency was over. when Max accused him of not wanting to stop the plague but only wanted a military victory, and that this was revenge for siding against him in Brasilia, Leonard dismissed him and threatened to send him to the brig. (Robotech II: The Sentinels: The Malcontent Uprisings: Dancing in the Graveyard).
After Miriya had returned from the meeting with Seloy the RDF and ASC attacked the Scavengers with him taking a Superhauler to the battle and going out in a Hover Tank. He thought of how he suspected Seloy had survived the Brasilia massacre but never expected she'd have joined the Scavengers. Thinking of how it might haave been her behind the abandoned Mecha Factory discovered last year and how he wanted Hirano as Seloy was dead. Upon arriving at the Scavengers base he interrogated a Zentraedi at gunpoint and found Miriya had killed Seloy and hirano. Upon hearing the Zentraedi custom of leaving bodies for scavengers which was derived from their space culture of recycling the dead he called it barbaric. After finding the picked clean skeletons of the mother and child he shot the Zentraedi after saying Seloy had no right to take his Son. According to The Art of Compromise by Lea Carson, Leonard had Deputized The Red Snakes for the uprising as it was better to have them with him than against him (Robotech II: The Sentinels: The Malcontent Uprisings: Scorched Earth).
The Sentinels[]
Before the SDF-3 departed from Earth, he was put in charge of the defense of Earth and rebuilding the Robotech Defense Force. Leonard was not optimistic of the mission, feeling that the REF's exit from Earth Defense would leave the Earth vulnerable to an attack from any alien forces which chose to invade the planet; Zentraedi or otherwise. He predicted that if the mission went through and the Spacefortress did not return home, war against another alien threat would be inevitable. (Robotech II: The Sentinels) It was a fear which would be proven correct within seven years.
Before the Second Robotech War[]
In August 2026, He met with Zade Patane but before a deal could be reached, a Mech armor piloted by Lyss Gruaca attacked and took out Zade's men as Leonard fled. After slaying Zade, she reported to Leonard who had hired her to take out Zade so his group would crumble without his guidance.(Robotech: MechAngel 0: Mechangel)
The Second Robotech War[]
To Be Added