Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
2nd can

This work is considered secondary-canon. Although it has not yet been removed from the Robotech universe, it is still not considered Primary Canon. See Continuity and Canon in the Robotech Universe.

Angelo Dante was a man who joined the ASC. In the time before the Second Robotech War, he worked with his dad Dr. Dante to build a power suit for Lyss Gruaca when she came to kill him in revenge for experimenting on her. After she used it in attacks, someone came to kill them and they tried to reach Lyss for help but she never came and Dr. Dante was killed. Later Angelo joined an underground fight club run by Thomas Daugherty and found that Eldin Frost financed Thomas Daugherty's fight club so he could experiment on the bodies of fighters who died. Dante and his son tried to ask her for help but she never showed and Eldin had Dr. Dante killed. He teamed up with Lyss and aided her in her crusade as well as helped her escape from the club when Daugherty sent 3 men to kill her. Angelo outed the fight club to the Global Military Police, but Lyss took out Daugherty and faced Eldin in a Veritech during a battle. After dispatching him, she sent Angelo a message on video tape saying she's staying in the Southlands and he was glad he met her.

In 2033 when the Invid attacked, Dana was given command of Jonathan Wolfe's Cruiser to investigate the Robotech Factory Satellite that had returned to Earthspace. She brought a crew of her team mates from the 15th Squadron and Tirolian survivors. But after contact was reestablished, Dana said she was going to Tirol to find her parents and the SDF-3 as she and her team mates saw the Earth as no place for them. Dana wanted to figure out what her dreams meant and she couldn't do it on Earth but also regretted how she was leaving Jonathan who she had grown fond of. Among those on the ship were Bowie Grant, Angelo Dante and Sean Phillips (Robotech: Invid War: Inferno Brigade).

