Scott in his armor. (New Generation: The Lost City)
The CVR-3 Personal Combat Armor was a piece of equipment that was developed by the Robotech Expeditionary Force. The CVR-3 is the standard body armor issued by the REF to all its Veritech Pilots and ground troops. The body armor is an integral component of the Cyclone mecha. Without the CVR-3 the Cyclone rider would be unable to convert to Battloid mode.
Two variations were created for both male and female wearers where they provided combatants with a high degree of battlefield protection. In addition, they provided load-bearing hardpoints used as attachments when it merged with a Veritech Cyclone. These points distributed the weight along the Cyclone battle armor away from the users limbs.
Behind the Scenes[]
Probably due to rights issues regarding Super Dimensional Cavalry Southern Cross' designs, Dana Sterling is shown using armor very similar to the CVR-3 armor in the film Robotech: Love, Live, Alive during the evacuation of the RDF, implying that renmants of the Southern Cross had access to the technology shortly after the Second Robotech War.