This work is considered secondary-canon. Although it has not yet been removed from the Robotech universe, it is still not considered Primary Canon. See Continuity and Canon in the Robotech Universe. |
Donald Hayes was the father of Lisa Hayes and an Admiral on Earth before the Zentraedi destruction.
During the time between the Global War and the First Robotech War he spent time at the Alaska Base overseeing the construction of the Grand Cannon. When the crew of the Lemuria attacked, Edwards had infiltrated them under the guise of aiding their attack in the new weapon: the Veritech. When Edwards got to the Alaska Base, he gave a signal that the Lemurians were attacking, under the guise of giving the signal to stand down. The Lemurians were utterly destroyed and he was glad that with them out of the way, the United Earth Government had no challengers remaining to oppose them (Robotech: Return To Macross: Less Than Victory)
In July of 2005 he called Captain Gloval about the new security guidelines from Commodore Amanda Devane and was told they would be implemented by the end of the month. Hayes says he can count on Devane and Gloval to handle things but Tom Bennington brings up the recent issues they had, only to be silenced by Hayes. Gloval defended Bennington but Hayes said he's got no time for games as the Achilles would be launching next month and the failure of the Orion, some on the council that want it postponed until inquiries are complete. This would've pushed back the start of Mars Base Sara by 2 months so he persuaded them to advance.((Robotech: Return To Macross: Gloval's War)
During the storm on the day of the concert on the Glittering Star Admiral Hayes was talking with Grinolds in a car about how they can have Captain Mayhew launch before Gloval got back, then could turn attention to Hamilton, McBain and Costanza for security breaches. Hayes wanted to get more of their people installed Grinolds had a meeting with Bennington and when Hayes went to meet Lisa he was knocked out.(Robotech: Return to Macross: Storm Surge).
Later the Mobile Launch Assembly was attacked by McBain and his The Sons Of The Constitution as well as other Federalists who took over but the power was shut off. Toshiro Nagata and his squad took over a Destroid Defender and announced that they had Admiral Hayes captive but if the crew obeyed, they would be spared. They used 2 shuttles, the Orion and the Gryphon to try to take the Achilles as it only had a skeleton crew and their jets delayed Roy, Scott and Perlman long enough to launch them (Robotech: Return to Macross: Achille's Heel).
When the Federalists in the shuttles reached the Achilles and told them to surrender or they'd execute Admiral Hayes. Virgil Smythe revealed he knew Louise Mayhew was tough and wouldn't be easily stopped with threats like McBains men. Mayhew surrendered as Dr. Harris Seuling tampered with the ship. The Armor-1 launched SF-3 Lancers against the Achilles and the attackers said to stop or Hayes is dead, but the virus put into the system kicked in and shut off the electrical systems including life support. In 8 hours it would burn up on reentry and in 6 the atmosphere would be spent but the only way to reactivate it is a voice command from Seuling who's in a spacesuit being picked up by Armor-1. Nagata shot Mayhew and Virgil beat out him McBain to escape using his 1st hand knowledge of the ship. (Robotech: Return to Macross: High Combat)
After the RDF has regained control of the Achilles and captured the leaders and Dr. Seuling restored the ships systems. Admiral Hayes stayed in orbit until it would be confirmed to be safe and Roy shots down Virgil's shuttle over the Pacific Ocean(Robotech: Return to Macross: Never Can Say Goodbye).