Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki

Space War Earth

Earth during the First Robotech War

Stardust Earth 1

Earth during the Second Robotech War. (Masters Saga: "Stardust")

Invid engulfs the planet

Invid Invasion of Earth

Invid on Earth

The Earth shortly before the Fourth Robotech War. (Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles)

Earth was the third planet in the Solar System and the homeworld of the Human race.

Earth withstood two alien invasions during the First and Second Robotech Wars only to fall to the Invid at the start of the Third Robotech War. It was liberated at the end of the Third Robotech War.


Global War[]

to be added

First Robotech War[]

to be added

Second Robotech War[]

to be added


to be added

Third Robotech War[]

to be added


to be added

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Known Locations[]




For the Macross equivalent, visit Earth.
