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Robotech Saga Wiki
You may be looking for Eddie Frierson, the voice actor who played Lynn Kyle and an older Louie Nichols.
Eddie glares at Zor Prime a New Recruit

Eddie glares at Zor Prime. (Masters Saga: "A New Recruit")

Eddie was a VHT-1 Veritech Hover Tank pilot for the 15th Alpha Tactical Armored Corps during the Second Robotech War.


Louie with Glasses Down

Louie and Eddie. (Masters Saga: "Star Dust")

Eddie was present during many of the missions undertaken by the 15th Squadron, usually close to Angelo Dante.

If I remember correctly, this guy is Eddie

Eddie during the 15th Squadron's infiltration of the hospital holding Zor Prime. (Masters Saga: "Deja Vu")

During the team's secret infiltration of The United Earth Command Medical Center, he stayed with Dana, dressed as a Doctor. (Masters Saga: "Deja Vu")

When the Bioroid pilot Zor was added to the 15th Squadron, Eddie was extremely aggressive to the guest, noting doubt that Zor really was working for their side and had lost his memory, and nearly threatening him before calmly walking away.

Zor and Eddit A N R

Eddie confronts Zor about the death of his brother. (Masters Saga: "A New Recruit")

Eddie later confronted Zor about the death of his brother, who Eddie believed had been killed by Zor. He began to break out in tears, and punched Zor, knocking him back multiple feet. He attempted to hit him again, but accidentally hit Angelo Dante when Angie stepped in between them. He ran from the room in a fit of emotions. (Masters Saga: "A New Recruit")

Eddie was killed on a mission to infiltrate the Tirolian Mothership orbiting Earth. While the 15th Alpha Tactical Armored Corps' were still on the outside surface of the ship, they were attacked by Bioroid Armored Fighters, a new kind of Bioroid Invid. During the attack, three of them surrounded Eddie and fired at once, destroying his VHT-1 Veritech Hover Tank and killing him instantly. (Masters Saga: "Mind Game")


  • The novelizations give him the name Eddie Jordan and he is the brother of the Private Jordan who is killed with Private Simon at the end of the episode The Trap.
  • In Robotech Masters 12: A New Recruit, he is given the name Edward Wood.