Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki

Emil Lang was a scientist on board the SDF-1 during the first attack of an alien race on Macross Island.

When Henry Gloval ordered him to perform a Space Fold he attempted to warn Gloval of the dangers of it as there was never one done in the atmosphere. After the fold took them near Pluto, Lang told Gloval the Fold Generators had vanished as if they were never there. (Robotech: Robotech 2)

While talking with Lisa Hayes, he explained he had sent a probe into a rupture in Space-Time created by the missing Fold Generators. The data they got from the Mares Base said the base was working on a Time Displacement Shadow Warfare program to shunt ships out of space and time to keep them undetected until right before an attack. Also, the rupture has been getting bigger.(Robotech: Robotech 7)

While Edwards waited for interrogation, Roy Fokker informed Lisa and Dr. Lang that Edwards was a decorated pilot and quartermaster at the Alaska Base and that they served together in the Global Civil War. Lang reveals that his apprentice Lazlo Zand and Edwards were among the 1st cleared to enter the SDF-1 when it 1st landed on Earth, where he met Roy one last time before now. (Robotech: Robotech 9)
