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2nd can

This work is considered secondary-canon. Although it has not yet been removed from the Robotech universe, it is still not considered Primary Canon. See Continuity and Canon in the Robotech Universe.


Sentiniel's ship

The Farrago in space.

The Farrago was the flagship of the Sentinels from that group's inception to the ship's destruction by the Invid over Praxis.

Operational History[]

The vessel, originally intended as a space zoo by the Invid Regess, led by her officer Tesla, housing living trophies of any species conquered by the Invid, was constructed from modules from Garuda, Haydon IV, Karbarra, Peryton, Praxis, and Spheris docked together.

However, an uprising began, and the different slave races took the control of the ship, capturing Tesla. Deciding to fight against the Invid and free their worlds, they called themselves ''the Sentinels''. After destroying an Invid vessel which pursued them, they travelled to Tirol, where they required assistance of the Robotech Expeditionary Force, which joined the Sentinels' cause, and, in a space battle, the Farrago and SDF-3 jointly destroyed a powerful Invid warship.

When they departed Tirol, the ship carried a complement of thousands, consisting of members from all the Sentinels races, including about 1,000 humans.

Soon after REF members arrived in orbit of Karbarra, it encountered an Invid Flagship and a full fleet. Admiral Rick Hunter gave the order to fire, and they destroyed the mile-long ship with a single blast from the GMU's reflex cannon, later annihilating the Invid fleet. The Farrago was key to free Karbarra in the Liberation of Karbarra. Later, they travelled to the next planet to free, Praxis, but found it deserted. The REF dissident T. R. Edwards had informed the Invid Regent of the Farrago's weakness, and in a surprise attack, the Farrago was destroyed by the Invid as their leaders landed on the abandoned Praxis. The Regent demanded the ship's surrender, but the crew refused to, and the Invd blowed it. That make the Regent and the entire REF believe that all of the Sentinels were dead, but he was wrong: the bulk of them was on the ground. (Robotech II: The Sentinels: The Slow Death of the Sentinels) Eventually they were able to escape the planet just before it exploded. using the still-orbiting Spherisian module.


The Farrago was equipped with weapon batteries (gun turrets, each with an energy beam cannon) of unknown design, with which it could engage Invid mecha. The cannons were used both for ground support and for anti-aircraft duty. Each gun turret was as large as a Veritech battloid and was remotely controlled by one gunner. Once the Sentinels allied with the REF, a Ground-Based Mobile Unit was mated to the Farrago, which carried it under the vessel. The vessel was equipped with defensive shields and had a number of hangers, giving it the ability to quickly launch in one or two waves over 60 aircraft. Based on the size of the GMU, the Farrago had a length of over 500 meters and a height of over 60 meters. It was able to operate in an atmosphere and both land and take off from planets.

The Farrago carried within spacecraft (e.g. shuttles), at least 60 fighter Veritechs (consisting of VF-8 Logan fighters, VFA-6 Alpha fighters, and VFB-9 Beta fighters), dozens of VHT-1 Veritech Hovertanks, and dozens of Destroids. The fighter Veritechs were from the Skull Squadron, and the Hovertanks were from the Wolf Pack. Within the vessel was an arsenal consisting of missiles, bombs, guns, and melee weapons from the various Sentinel races, as well as their vehicles.

