Gabby was a soldier from the Second Robotech War who remained on Earth after the Invid Invasion of Earth.
Gabby was a veteran of the Second Robotech War who witnessed the arrival of the Invid in January 2031.
His ship was shot down while trying to escape Earth alongside what was left of the RDF and the Southern Cross army. He never spoke so his comrades called him "Gabby" as an ironic reference to that. He had a family in space with the Robotech Expeditionary Force. His comrades had given up on fighting and stayed behind in a Garfish class Cruiser and stole/sold items from people nearby. Gabby often listened to the transmission of a communication console that couldn't send messages due to damage. After heard a transmission from the Robotech Expeditionary Force urging all fighters to attack all Invid Broadcast Towers. Gabby then engaged in a lone suicidal attack against the tower that cost him his life. After finding out the one sending transmissions to his console was Gabby's son, his fellow ex-soldiers were inspired to go on one last attack to help Scott Bernard's resistance group and took out the Tower in a Kamikaze attack. (Robotech: The New Generation: Ghost Town)
- He was a veteran of the Second Robotech War, however, it's unknown if he was part of the Southern Cross or another branch of the RDF that fought against the Robotech Masters.