Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
For The New Generation episode, see The Genesis Pit
"Behold! My GENESIS PIT- the key to the evolutionary future of our race. Source of Life... And DEATH."
―The Regess to her servant.[src]

The Genesis Pit on Optera (Robotech: Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles)

The Genesis Pit are scientific laboratories created by the Invid which are used for the study in biogenetic engineering and studies in evolution.

After the conquest of Earth, the Regess conducted a crucial experiment in the evolution of her race by constructing a Genesis Pit where numerous specialized long dead life forms were resurrected in an artificial environment in order to be studied. This was part of her attempt at determining the ideal ultimate form her race should evolve to so that they could survive on this planet. This knowledge was also deemed to had allowed her to transform the Invid into the ultimate power that they were destined to be. Her Genesis Pit was eventually discovered by Scott Bernard and his band of resistance fighters leading to the destruction of the site which saw all the dinosaurs as well as other prehistoric beings die in the cataclysm.

A Genesis Pit was also present on Optera. General Edwards took it over during the REF Civil War. He was knocked into it, merging with the Invid Brain. The site was then obliterated by the SDF-3 from orbit.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • A Genesis Pit features in the Robotech: Warriors comics where Tokalyan uses it to create numerous prehistoric beasts of Rel'nar and unleashed these Terrors on the native inhabitants.
  • Although not explored in the series, additional Genesis Pits appear elsewhere on Earth and other planets. This includes Ku'Urtz and Janus.



Secondary continuity[]

Tertiary sources[]
