- For the Robotech Expeditionary Force Mech see ISB-02 Mk. I Golem

A Golem arrives with a Global Military Police Officer to stop a fight between two sectors. (Masters Saga: False Start)
APR-4 Golems were Police Robots used by the Global Military Police during the time period of and around the Second Robotech War.
Specific Incidents[]
During her first outing in command of the 15th Alpha Tactical Armored Corps, Dana's group clashed violently with another, which caused the GMP to intervene, bringing with them a single Golem. Dana and her teammates escaped, but not before accidentally knocking over the Golem in question. (Masters Saga: False Start)
A grouping of Golems were called in to aid the 15th Alpha Tactical Armored Corps in a battle against the Robotech Masters. (Masters Saga: Half Moon)

Golem robots in the squadron of Nova Satori. (Masters Saga: "The Invid Connection")
Golems were able to advice sentencing for crimes committed, (Masters Saga: False Start) as well as other abilities.