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Heuneinnian was a Zentraedi who was part of Hohsq's group after the Third Robotech War.
In 2045 the city of Belmont had shut its boarders and refuses new refugees, which leads to those coming being turned away. Councilwoman Kim promised Hohsq entry to Belmont but after Scott's men had them turned away, they went to Castle Fate and found a Nuclear Reactor and Mecha made to run on it to fight the Robotech Masters but never used. When supplies ran low, Hohsq was going to use the Mecha to enter. But the Belmont Army, the Iron Butterflies and Sera's Teth powers were preventing him from achieving this. He used his Teth Powers to lure Sera but with the image of Corg and lured out the Iron Butterflies and Scott's Regulars to the North Fields. Hohsq sent Chaver with a letter of instructions to be opened later and had him bring Tarquin and Heuneinnian to Belmont Road with Special Units. Sera dreamed of her brother Corg's Mech but then Hohsq saying his son and her brother, then slicing his right hand with a sword and mentioning her lover. At night Sera went off to find Corg and Hohsq predicted this and had Heuneinnian and Chaver out to where she was headed. Chaver called to her pretending to be Corg and as she approached she spoke the Invid Language which alarmed Chaver as she might be the one Hohsq feared. To protect Hohsq, Chaver attacked her with a sword but she began singing and it broke their blades and immobilized them. She fell unconscious and the 2 took her to a detention cell and upon reporting to Hohsq, he ordered no harm to her. He then sent Heuneinnian with a letter to go to Belmont and tell them Sera was their captive at Castle Fate, and they would release her for food, clean water, medication and the North Fields (Robotech: Aftermath: Exile).
Scott met with Heuneinnian who he recognized as Zentraedi and commented he liked them and received the note saying the member of Castle Fate would claim the North Fields but not as an act of aggression, but if Belmont refuses, it would be war. As it took 7000 people 3 years to make that field and Belmont depended on it, they couldn't give it up, but Heuneinnian showed him Sera's Ribbon which shocked him. Nova told Scott they would not make the deal and Scott agreed that any force would be met with force. Heuneinnian left and talked with Nova over how Belmont had more than enough and how Nova met Hohsq and thought little of him and his forces (Robotech: Aftermath: Iron Butterfly).
After Rand and Lancer broke iinto Castle Fate and fled with Sera , they made it to a nuclear reactor in the base and Hohsq and his men arrived and had the 3 at gunpoint. They couldn't fire as a steam pipe to the reactor was behind the humans and a rupture would send high pressure steam to cook them alive. Sera sang and it held off the Zentraedi as they escaped and Lancer danced and fired a shot into the steam pipe and blew the area. Outside the trio made it to the Veritech Hohsq had but Hohsq protected himself and his men with his cloak and found the trio had locked them in. Hohsq told Heuneinnian to prepare his Special Unit, have Chaver board Unit 2 and he'd use Unit 3 to deal with the Humans (Robotech: Aftermath: Fate).
After the war, Hohsq's 1500 were allowed into Belmont and were treated. Heuneinnian was made part of the new council for the new T'sentown in Belmont (Robotech: Aftermath: Yellow Belmont).