Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
2nd can

This work is considered secondary-canon. Although it has not yet been removed from the Robotech universe, it is still not considered Primary Canon. See Continuity and Canon in the Robotech Universe.

Lady Hikaru Rolling Thunder

Lady Hikaru was a Tirolian woman who fought the Army of the Southern Cross during the days before the Invid arrived. After Dalmeric Khane defeated Dana Sterling in battle, she nearly finished her but was told to hold off for questioning. Soon after, she detected a Zentraedi and they found out it was Dana. After they Brainwashed Dana to follow them, Hikaru lead a mission against the ASC with D'garn, Exkiser, and Rigen'oh. The other 3 masters were taken down and Dana took down Angelo Dante's mech, Big Moe rained down fire that took out her Bioroid. She ordered Dana to take out her friends but Dana used the Zentraedi Directives to take Hikaru away to protect her from harm. Later the ASC attacked the Masters base and Khane slugged her out for allowing the army to find their base. Her final fate is not revealed. (Robotech Masters: Rolling Thunder)
