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The Legate was a Tirolian individual. During the Second Robotech War, he became a hero among the Bioroid Legions. His Triumvirate have discarded their individual names so that they may act as a symbol even in death for their troops. The Legate and his Triumvirate come from a line of gladiatorial fighters whose power and fame earned them the right to found a Triumvirate line back on ancient Tirol when the Robotech Masters Empire was forged. They command the Legion Incartia of Bioroids and fight for the Empire, not the Robotech Masters. The Legate are each men of honor who despise treachery and politics. They are warriors, sworn to defend their people and will fight to the bitter end in the name of that high duty.
At the eve of the Invid Invasion of Earth, the Legate was opposed to the Counselor, and led the Legion Incartia into battle alongside the Earth's Hannibal Team.