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2nd can

This work is considered secondary-canon. Although it has not yet been removed from the Robotech universe, it is still not considered Primary Canon. See Continuity and Canon in the Robotech Universe.

Zor Beats Regent On Haydon Sentinels 4 8

After the conquest of the Tirolian Empire, attempts were made to conquer Haydon IV but it was eventually discovered that passive occupation of the planet was possible which allowed the Invid to take control of the world without showing any hostile action. Prime Administrator Vowad was known to had even assisted the Regess in gathering information whilst the Invid occupied the Imperial Spire and an Hive was situated outside the capital city. These actions caused some Haydonites to question their position on neutrality which saw Veidt along with Sarna joining the alien alliance of races known as the Sentinels.

During the liberation of Garuda, the Regent occupied Haydon IV and the Sentinels moved to the planet with the joint purpose of liberating it as well as find a cure for the Garudan toxic atmosphere which had afflicted Rick Hunter, Lisa Hunter, Miriya Sterling along with Rem. Janice Em later managed to interface with the Awareness and reprogram the planetary defensive system to ignore the Sentinels weapon fire which devastated the Invid occupation forces along with their Inorganics. During the battle for Haydon IV, Sarna was killed and Prince-Administrator Vowad in a rage turned against the Invid with this manifestation taking the form of Zor who destroyed the Invid Carrier thus forcing the invaders off the planet.

