LAM or Live Action Movie is the term assigned to an unnamed set of projects which have attempted to convert the Robotech TV series into a live-action film. The rights to one such film were originally owned by Warner Brothers, who eventually stalled on their project to the point that the rights expired and moved on to Sony Entertainment in 2015.
People who have worked on the film have planned the full series to be a "trilogy of trilogies," with each saga and side story being made into it's own series of films if successful. [1]
The film is currently in development, and there were plans for some sort of preview to be ready for Comic Con 2016. However, nothing about the film was announced. [2]
In April of 2022, Sony Pictures announced that Iron Man co-writers, Art Marcum and Matt Holloway have written a script for the Robotech live action film with Rhys Thomas (Marvel's Hawkeye) directing.
Filmmakers & Crew[3][]
- Rhys Thomas - Director
- Art Marcum and Matt Holloway - Writer
- Frank Agrama - Executive Producer
- Jehan Agrama - Executive Producer
- Mark Canton - Producer
- Shannon Gaulding - Producer
- Gianni Nunnari - Producer
- Leonard B. Rosman - Co-Producer
Production Companies[]
- Atmosphere Entertainment MM
- Harmony Gold
- Hollywood Gang Productions
- Sony Pictures Entertainment
- Tatsunoko Production