Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
2nd can

This work is considered secondary-canon. Although it has not yet been removed from the Robotech universe, it is still not considered Primary Canon. See Continuity and Canon in the Robotech Universe.

Malone was a member of The Wolf Pack during the Malcontent Uprisings. In August of 2018, the Malcontents unleashed The Madness that caused violence and chaos in areas of South America. The Wolf Pack and Skull Squadron were called in but Anatole Leonard had them quarantined under the possibility they were the ones spreading The Madness. Jonathan Wolfe and Max Sterling lead a break out to escape with the families of their squads and the Centaur Tanks had a battle against members of the ASC. When Jonathan was hit and his tank had a fuel leak, Curt contacted him to inform him he'd pick him up, but Jonathan ordered him to keep going. When more Hovertanks arrived and things were starting to look bad, Max and his Skull Squadron Veritechs arrived and aided them in defeating the Hovertanks. While in an Airstrip used by drug smugglers in the past, Gary Jacobs was affected by The Madness and took Donna Garn and Tim McBride captive and went off. Malone told Jonathan who told him to finish repairing the fuel tank himself and went with Max to confront Jacobs. He was freaking out but was talked down and when a chance arose, Jonathan slugged him out and saved both children. (Robotech II: The Sentinels: The Malcontent Uprisings: ...And into the Fire).

When the RDF attacked the Zentraedi Control Zone the Malcontents fought with Stingers that were filled with Insect drones that carried The Madness. In the battle, some drones got into the Veritechs of the pilots and causes them to go mad. A Stinger came out of the ground and attacked the Centaur Tanks but as it came toward Malone and the group, Jonathan told him to hold his fire until he got closer, then on order of Wolfe, released and took out the Malcontent (Robotech II: The Sentinels: The Malcontent Uprisings: Scorched Earth).
