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Final Nightmare Ace 1

Green. (Masters Saga: "Danger Zone")

Marcus "Ace" Green was an assistant to Rolf Emerson and was usually by his side. He usually served next to him in battle and would assist him in decisions.

Col. Marcus "Ace" Green was an officer of the Army of the Southern Cross. He was Chief-of-Staff Rolf Emerson's trusted aide. He served in Emerson's Tristar-class Large Cruiser as Emerson's First Officer. He survived the final battle at Monument City, after suffering a broken leg, and went on to serve the newly appointed Supreme Commander Maistroff prior to the Invid Invasion. He was given command of his own battlecruiser, which was sadly destroyed during the initial Invid attack.[citation needed]


  • In the original Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross, Antoine Rochelle's name was actually "Ace" Green. While adapting the series to the Robotech: The Masters, the writers swapped both characters' names.


