Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki

False Start Maury Komodo 2

Maury Kommodo at the start of the Second Robotech War. (Masters Saga: "False Start"")

Maury Komodo was a captain in the Army of the Southern Cross during the Second Robotech War. He was highly paranoid of the enemy and technically fired the first shot of the war out of fear — starting a gigantic battle against an enemy who later claimed to have come in peace. He had a romantic interest in Nova Satori, a commander in the Global Military Police.


Komodo was in charge of a series of missile batteries in Monument City when a number of alien craft began lowering towards the city. Sparks, who worked under him, kept insisting that they could not fire until they had official orders from United Earth Command, which was waiting for the enemy to attack first. Becoming extremely impatient and terrified by the enemy, Komodo pushed Sparks out of the way and fired upon the shuttles, alarming the enemy and starting the war. (Masters Saga: "False Start")

He later approached LT Dana Sterling for help with his crush on Satori. Together they left flowers with a note from a "secret admirer". Later, they see LT Dennis Brown and Satori talking and misinterpret the encounter. When the pair plant more roses and ask for a meetup, Satori storms up thinking its Zor Prime who's been leaving the notes. The next day, Satori stops by to wish him luck as he departs with the second assault force. (Masters Saga: "Love Song")


