Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
For the musical track see: Moonbase ALuCE.
MoonBase ALUCE

Moon Base ALUCE (Advanced Lunar Chemical Engineering) was a base on the moon which orbited Earth. Originally known as The Aluce Development Center and ALUCE-1, the base was originally built for scientific research. When the base was attacked at the start of the Second Robotech War and communications were cut off by the Robotech Masters, it was decided to turn the base into a Military outpost for ships. This was a decision made by Anatole Leonard, who thought that the base might be useful for further attacks — a belief which would turn true later.

Originally built as a refueling depot to support civilian and military craft, ALuCE-1 was a small outpost on the Moon. Developed during the build up phase for the Pioneer Expedition, ALuCE-1 was eventually overshadowed by the much larger Moon Base Luna. Over the years, ALuCE was expanded ever so slightly until it included several surface buildings as well as a modest subsurface complex.



ALUCE during the 2030s

The Moon base was almost completely underground and consisted of large silos capable of acting as drydocks for ships; each silo could hold two Frigates, one Transport, or a large-scale carrier. The base was powered by several Reflex Furnaces buried deep beneath the surface. There were also extremely large shelters designed to hold thousands.


By the time of the Second Robotech War, ALuCE-1 was almost completely a civilian base to accommodate craft on the run out to the Asteroid Belt. In the opening moments of the war, the Robotech Masters bombed the surface buildings of ALuCE and captured a number of its personnel. The remaining personnel abandoned the base. Thankfully, ALuCE was mostly unharmed and a modest rebuilding and resource replenishment effort made it operational again. ALuCE became a vital link in carrying the war to the Robotech Masters.

At the end of the Second Robotech War, ALuCE-1 had several thousand combat troops and mecha as well as a number of support and capital starships. These assets would later prove to be invaluable in the opening days of the Third Robotech War as the Invid Regess tried to gain total control of the Earth and the space lanes in Near-Earth Orbit. Throughout the Third Robotech War, Moon Base ALuCE continued to grow as well as operate as a military staging area, shuttling supplies and personnel to the advance bases like Point K on the surface of the Earth. Prior to the Battle of Reflex Point, ALuCE was the staging point for the Third Earth Reclamation Force.



