The Oberth class was a type of space faring Destroyer fielded by the Robotech Defense Force and was one of the first human created starships. The class was developed before Robotechnology was fully understood by Humanity and lacked some of the advances made through the study of the SDF-1. (Robotech Infopedia)
The Oberth class was a general purpose design with more range than the Armors, and with a heavier fixed forward beam armament. They also had a missile battery aft in the hull, although it could not fire as many missiles as the system on the larger vessels. Nor did the Oberth carry any fighters. Six large engines flanked the aft hull on both sides of the missile battery, and these gave the ships a reasonable maneuverability. (Robotech Infopedia)
Early in the history of the RDF, the Oberth was used to assist Mars Base Sara. When it was attacked by an advance Zentraedi scout force, and the ship drove off the Cyclops Recon Pod. As the staff evacuated, the ship was blownup by a Zentraedi Destroyer. (Mars Base One Part Five)
Much like the Armor series, the Oberth class fought during the initial arrival of the Zentraedi fleet, when at least two of them were destroyed, and the ships were shown to be sitting ducks for the long range cannons used by the Zentraedi. ("Boobytrap, Countdown") No new Oberth vessels were built afterwards. (Infopedia) In Dolza's attack on the planet, most of the remaining ships were destroyed. ("Force of Arms")

According to one source, the first Orberth Class was the Achilles and was being readied for launch in 2005. After the failure test of the Orion, the council wanted to postpone the Achilles but Admiral Hayes persuaded them to continue as if the Achilles was delayed, it would keep Mars Base Sara from being finished on time. It was headed by Captain Louise Mayhew and Dr. Harris Seuling. There was also another Oberth Class ship orbiting Mars at the same time called the Odysseus commanded by Captain Leo Benes. (Robotech: Return To Macross)

Secondary continuity[]
Tertiary sources[]
Oberth-class on the Infopedia on
Oberth Class Destroyer on the Roboverse Infopedia on
- Robotech Visual Archive: The Macross Saga
- Robotech: A Macross Saga Role Playing Game
- Robotech: The Macross Saga The Roleplaying Game
For the Macross equivalent, visit Oberth-class. |