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The Invid Invasion Ships leave Earth

The REF's evacuation of Earth was an event that happened in 2031.

It involved the evacuation of whatever was left of the Robotech Defense Forces to their military bases on The Moon, Mars, Venus and Jupiter, after the invading Invid led by the Regess easily defeated the battle-spent Army of the Southern Cross and the Global Military Police following their pyrrhic victory against the Tirolian Robotech Masters. That included the remaining members of Dana Sterling's 15th ATAC squadron. (The New Generation, Love, Live, Alive)

This remnant would go on to join the Earth Reclamation Force under the command of the returning Robotech Expeditionary Force led by Admiral Lisa Hayes-Hunter and Vice-Admiral Rick Hunter.

Behind the scenes[]

Based on the presence of Garfish-class frigates and Dana Sterling wearing CVR-3 Armor implies that the RDF was reinforced by the Earth Reclamation Force just before the Invid arrived on Earth, or an Earth Reclamation fleet arrived to evacuate the RDF sometime after the invasion started.

Although the remastered version of the Robotech added text showing the flashback in the episode "Invid Invasion" took place in 2032, other sources indicate it happened in 2031, 6-months to a year after the Second Robotech War ended. This article therefore uses the latter info.

The RPG sourcebook Robotech: Hannibal includes a transcript of a message from Admiral Hunter about the evacuation.


Tertiary sources[]
