Rand was a young freedom fighter during the Invid Invasion who joined Scott Bernard's group to free Earth.
In 2043, when travelling with the group, they came to a river and Rand playfully pushed Rook in only for the Invid in the water ro rise up and attack. They were saved by Aaron James in his Cyclone and went to a nearby town where Lenà asked Aaron about her brother Jarred, only to be told the Invid got him. After a near clash with Mick, Simon and Gryph, Lena showed them their lodgings and Rand flirted with Rook. After Lancer went out to see what Aaron was up to, Rand commented on how Lena was acting upbeat after her brother's end, 1 villager commented how she was in denial and it would get her like when they realize their friend wouldn't come back as Aaron was the town tyrant who makes people vanish for crossing him. The Invid attacked and when the gang went to the Alpha Fighter, Aaron and his goons were there and Gryph held Rand down but he got loose after Scott got to his Alpha in the chaos caused by Lena's breakdown against Aaron. After Aarons defeat, the Invid claimed him ands left which confused Rand and Rook who were facing them in Cyclones and the team later left the town.
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