Recon One was a Tokugawa class from the Robotech Relief Expedition which was commanded by Major John Carpenter.
Operational History[]
Recon One was one of the ships built by the REF on Tirol, and was sent back to Earth by the Pioneer Expedition. Right after they arrived on Earth, it was ambushed by the massive Tirolian Motherships which were besieging Earth. The crew was able to launch its fighter wing, but it was overwhelmed. It was heavily damaged and much of his crew escaped in escape pods as it was sent on a suicide course to ram into an enemy Mothership. Most of the crew managed to arrive to Earth, where they informed the Army of the Southern Cross of the situation in the stars. As it was the only ship sent by the REF, Major Carpenter, which was one of the survivors worried that they had exposed their defenses.
It was the the only known REF ship which participated in the Second Robotech War.
Behind the scenes[]
In the original SDF Southern Cross anime, the ship was named the Algada and was from the allied world of Liberté.