Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
This is not a canon film

This work is not considered Canon in the Robotech universe. Either it was never meant to be canon or was later reconnected out of continuity. On this site, we consider any works that majority contradict primary material or has been officially resigned by the Robotech team to be non-canon.

"Robotech: Invid War: Aftermath" is a Robotech series printed under Eternity Comics from 1992 to 1993, and under Academy Comics from 1994 to 1995. The series proved controversial among fans, using characters from the previous sagas in a way which was less than a positive light - using Scott Bernard and Rook Bartley as villains against the rest of the New Generation team. The series took an extreme change in tone and art style when it switched developers, and lead to a spin-off entitled Robotech: Clone, a series which would go on to retcon that Aftermath had been nothing but a fictional story written by Rand in its timeline.

Plot description[]

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Plot summary[]

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Vessels and vehicles[]

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