Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
This is not a canon film

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Robotech: Clone 0: The Dialect of Duality Part 1 is an Academy Comics issue, the first part of the Clone storyline featuring Dr. Gilles Vaudell and the SDF-Mordecai in the Andromeda Galaxy.


The SDF-Mordecai has come to The Andromeda Galaxy to colonize 15 planets in it with 2000 infant clones each that will be raised by 500 Mordecai citizens to instruct them for a total of 30 000 Clones and 7500 citizens. In 306 years their descendants will join them among the stars at the center of the galaxy in 2355 and each colony will make a SDF as a Flagship. After 3 months and 2 million lightyears, the SDF-Mordecai has made it to the Andromeda Galaxy. Demont is staying away from Gilles in the area with her clones and the traitor combat clones known as Spleens. He uses a clone of his wife as the Mordecai Mind after clone of himself got overzealous. Demont goes out in a suit and comers to a planet with triangular buildings on it. On the ship, Squad 77 has a drink and plays around while taking about how their Squad Leader Demont isn't fit for duty. On the planet, Demont finds Protoculture and has a vision of her mother as she falls to the ground. The building records her language, history, theology and carbon code and an unborn child is seen growing in it while saying "Playback".


It is part of the alternate Aftermath storyline.


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