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Robotech Saga Wiki
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Robotech: Clone 3: The Dialect of Duality Part 4 is an Academy Comics issue, the fourth part of the Clone storyline featuring Dr. Gilles Vaudell and the SDF-Mordecai in the Andromeda Galaxy.

In a shuttle back to the SDF-Mordecai, Gilles talked with Demont over if they were good spouses and he said how he shouldn't have listened to the old Mordecai Mind as it was infatuated with her and had framed her for a crime to pit them against each other and he'd not listen to her. As the old mind was a clone of Gilles, he listened to it and sent Combat Clones after her, but the new Mind helped him see what she was before and had he done so sooner he'd have trusted her. Demont recovers and said something took some of her memories on the planed and she desired them back and wanted him to send the Iconoclast Fighters to the 6th Planet. Gilles didn't understand but is then shown a large ship emerging from the planet. On the SDF-Mordecai, Captain Faulkner readied the Squads and Shock Divers in Punishment Class Armors and Bibi told him there was 10 minutes until the SDF orbited to the location the event happened on the planet. The ship on the planet fired its Main Gun on the shuttle and Gilles ordered an Emergency Hazard Bay Fold. Loweth explained how its where the Mordecai calculated fold coordinates and uses a Meson Beam of data to the Shuttle to let it fold directly into the SDF, which is used as the Mind calculated data 30 000 Times faster than the Ships computers. After the fold, Giles had Loweth and Sabrina suit up in Punishment Armor and didn't want Rueis to join them due to his instability. In the Assent City Museum on the SDF, Raxe whispered to Rueis and went off but was confronted by Baux who commented on her changing her forme. Raxe said her kind never showed their true forme to her kind which is why they couldn't be copied. The PA called for the launch of Iconoclasts and Baux said her ship would destroy the SDF as Humans' Non Post Linear Existence disqualified them from greater plans. Raxe showed Baux the Rembrandt Painting The Suicide Of Lucrezia as an example of Humankind's ability to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, which Baux felt was insane but Raxe claimed will be the reason Baux would lose. In space the Incubus Squad launched to battle the ship from the 6th planet.


It is part of the alternate Aftermath storyline.


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Part 3 Part 5