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Robotech: Clone 5: Cradlesong is an Academy Comics issue, the sixth part of the Clone storyline featuring Dr. Gilles Vaudell and the SDF-Mordecai in the Andromeda Galaxy.

On 9 September 2057 it had been 10 years and 8 months since the battle with the Monte Yarrow that took 1651 human lives. The SDF-Mordecai had used Cloning to replace the fallen and had been colonizing worlds with 500 infant clones on each of the 15 they seeded, but the battle with the Monte Yarrow had continued as they had awoken when the SDF neared. The 1st world colonized was named Keaguina after the man who sacrificed himself to save them. Type Z clones were used for battle and 1 such clone was Ava 239 who was used to replace Bibi Ava who had left the SDF to return to Earth. Along the way back she saw her place was on the SDF and turned back but had encountered a planet of renegade Zentraedi who learned of Human Affection from her Tarot Card The lovers given to her by Demont and had made a baby. They gifted her their child and when she returned to the SDF had found she had been replaced with a clone. As there was Zero Population Growth allowed, Bibi and the child were put into stasis until needed again. 9 years later on 12 January 2058, the SDF engaged in a battle against the Monte Yarrow on a Raw green class world Appak 6 and the last survivor was Ava 239 she slew a Monte Yarrow Sentient Fighter but was wounded and talked with her Iconoclast SRF-5000's AI about how she wouldn't see the SDF again as her Fighter was damaged and was the last survivor. She went into the Sentient Fighter and pulled out a Monte Yarrow skull to give a burial as the enemy does that and her Fighter ran low on power after using its Particle gun to blast a grave in the planet's soil. She asked the Fighter to defrost her regenerative DNA strain to tend her wound and was told the SDF vanished in a light and wondered if all other soldiers were dead as they wouldn't leave 8000 soldiers behind. After a funeral service, trying to think of a prayer and lighting of a tinderbox for the fallen Monte Yarrow, she talked with her fighter about being recreated in a cloning on the SDF and fell over dead from blood loss. Soon after, her Regenerative DNA Strain was ready but it would do no good as she needed blood pumping to send it through her system. The Fighter AI was distressed by this and fought off scavengers before placing her body on a rock, then brought it to the place of the battle. There were 4 Dropships and bodies of allies and enemies alike all over. After an all nighter, the Fighter had repaired a Dropships Antimatter Power Plant to 100% Efficiency with 10% output, which couldn't let it fly but could get the Medical Stasis Chambers working. Since the fighters Stasis Chamber was damaged beyond repair, it had to use this. The Dropships Stasis Chamber could work at 90% Molecular slowdown and had 200 000 Microscopic nanobots as surgeons that could resurrect from brain death after a few weeks and remove parasites and undo rigor mortis, as well as repair damaged organs and stimulate the brain and reflexes and start the heart. On 9 September 2058 at the Black hole in the center of the Andromeda Galaxy, the SDF-Mordecai floated and planned to meet the colonists it seeded in a few Centuries in their own SDF's. Gilles talked with Captain Faulkner over the damage to the ship and as they had found a binary system nearby they could use the materials to finish in around a month. They had sent out Scouts to systems within 11 Lightyears and Demont had new translations of the alien language of the alien that took the appearance of Rueis and had inherited some of his psychosis but was seen to be honest. The alien had told them the Monte Yarrow was the race they fought and had laid waste to much of the Andromeda planets they encountered as well as had been straggles form several thousand fleets hiding in those planets the SDF neared. As Sabrina asked what they were hiding from as they were fierce fighters who slew 3000 of their clones, laughter was heard as a spider clung to the wall.


It is part of the alternate Aftermath storyline.


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Special 1: Youth Inertia Mordecai 1