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- For further uses of the term "Southern Cross", see Southern Cross (disambiguation)
Robotech: The Roleplaying Game: Book Four: Southern Cross is a 113-page sourcebook for Palladium Books' original edition of the Robotech roleplaying game focusing on Robotech: The Masters.
The game features mecha and character profiles for the Southern Cross era, as well as roleplaying applications. Several mecha will be renamed in the second edition.
The guide also lists the 15 units of the Army of the Southern Cross.
The E.B.S.I.S. and their military units are also detailed.
Mecha profiles[]
- VHT-1 Veritech Hover Tank
- VF-8 Logan
- GMP Battloid
- TC Recon Battloid
- CU Space Battloid
- CDC Heavy Battloid/CBH-4 Salamander
- CDC Light Battloid
- GMP Security Robot
- Sylphid "Spector Jet Interceptor"
- Specter Recon
- F-110 Falcon II "Phantom"
- FA-112 Chimera "Corsair III"
- AS-14 Pegasus Assault Shuttle "Assault Shuttle"
- CTC Troop Carrier shuttle
- DSS Defender Space shuttle
- Hovercycle
- Hover Truck
- ATV Missile Launcher
- APT Tank Carrier
- Bioroid
- Tirolian Corvette
- Tirolian Mothership
- Soldier Battloid
- Juggernaut
- Recon Destroyer
- PPL-12 Panther Pulse Laser
- Tri-Laser
- L.P. Nightstalker
- P-20 Pulse Laser
- Lancer Laser Pistol
- RFL-100 Rapid-Fire Pulse Laser
- ID-4 Ion Disrupter
- Putman Stun-Gun
- LR-20 Laser Rifle
- PR-30 Pulse Rifle
- LR-30 Laser Assault Rifle
- Cobalt Grenade
Character profiles[]
- Dana Sterling
- Bowie Grant
- Angelo Dante
- Nova Satori
- Robotech Masters
- Clone Masters
- Science Masters
- Zor Prime
- Musica (Musika)