Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
This is not a canon film

This work is not considered Canon in the Robotech universe. Either it was never meant to be canon or was later reconnected out of continuity. On this site, we consider any works that majority contradict primary material or has been officially resigned by the Robotech team to be non-canon.

"Rubicon 1: A Sort of Homecoming: Prologue" was the first issue of Robotech: The Sentinels: Rubicon by Antarctic Press. It was planned to be part of seven issues, but was canceled after the second.

It deals with the aftermath of the REF victory at Earth, and features Scott Bernard's team and the REF dealing with disappearing REF forces.


In 2046, a year after the The Battle of Reflex Point, Av-5 and his wingman were doing a run and right after it was deemed clear, a light got them. Scott had folded back to his birthplace of Tirol with his crew from Earth. There was no gravity and Ariel nearly got hit with floating coffee. After departing the ship, they encounter Scott's friend JC Schletka who knew Meg but was introduced to Sera, Lancer and Ariel. They saw VF-1's and Ariel was impressed and went to Tirol's Monument City which was the planet's main spaceport. While going through Ariel mistook Micronized Zentraedi for Sentinels and was told the Sentinels are not 1 race but an alliance of many who banded together to face the Invid. Most aliens in the town were allied with the Sentinels who had gained the edge against the Invid after Rick and Lisa Hunter joined them with Zentraedi. Scott planned to send an Email to Rand and Lancer wanted to join a card game and was told a few players were reassigned to the Marcus Aurelius 2. Onboard with Skull Squadron, Miriya disputed with Marie Phillips over Max bringing the whole squad out to see her again and Max came in to brief them on the mission. They had lost 5 recon patrols in 3 days and it was unsure if it was the Invid as there were no traces left.

Admiral Hunter sent a small fleet headed by the Kensington who Skull Squadron was waiting for a report from before going in. Talon Squad encountered several Invid while Neo and Eagle did not. Sean Phillips played cards with Scott and Lancer and talked of the new VF-2S fighters that had Fold Engines. After the game Sera was interested in trying a Veritech and she and Lancer heard singing. They followed it to find Minmei. Max got messages from the Kensington and hoped Marie and Miriya would stop bickering on their mission. Captain Nador reported the sightings of Invid that were using the asteroids as cover to Max and the Shadow Devices couldn't prevent the signals from pebbles bouncing of of the ships from being detected. Talon and Neo squadrons went in after the Invid but were wiped out by some light that caused their Veritechs to blow. The light reached Captain Nador who was told to fold out by Max but he said it as too late.


It is incompatible with any other Robotech story post-New Generation.




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none 2: Shadows of the Past