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Robotech Saga Wiki
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"Rubicon 2: Shadows of the Past" was the second (and final) issue of Robotech: The Sentinels: Rubicon by Antarctic Press.

The Sentinels and the Robotech Expeditionary Force deal with Invid holdouts.


Max reported to Lisa on the outcome of the fleet's encounter with the Invid and after the call Rick kisses her. He asked why she returned so soon and was told after looking over the shipyards the SFC-8000 was ahead of production schedule on Karbarra and the REF Fleet would be back to full strength by spring. She told Rick they lost contact with Richard Nador's fleet and the Invid were involved. Max was checking it out like enemy territory and it was near Haydon VI which Lisa was sending reinforcements to. Rick was concerned about other non-Sentinels Races needing protection and how it was hard enough to manage their Sentinels allies who seemed to think Humans would solve their problems. Tiana was with them and had a meeting with Learna about her collogues making first contact with a race called the Beleusans who Rick had a meeting planned with them. He hoped not to mention the Invid and Max would arrive in the afternoon. On Tirol, Sean, Scott, Nova, JC and Dana were coming back from a bar. Dana was an ambassador and Sean had married Marie. JC wanted to hang out with "babes" and Sean asked what Meg would think if she heard that. Dana was slipped Zentraedi Inhibitors at the bar and felt more willing and free and had some interest in Lancer.

Back at their place, the door was open and Meg and Ariel were in danger and JC, Nova and Scott fought those who broke in. Ariel nailed 1 in the head and the rest fled. One man revealed he's Claude but his friends called him Cloud and Nova recognized him from when he was 7 and was a military brat like her. The item Ariel nailed the assailant with had Breetai's Mask in it, but it was actually someone elses mask. Dana slapped JC while drunk and nearly blacked out and Meg slugged him after his commenting on the slaps weakness. The REF went to Condition Yellow and activated Planetary Defense Systems. Rick and Lisa met with Commander Wallace of the SDF-3 and Sentinels Command and they received a message from Max on the Marcus Aurelius 2. Max revealed he started Phase 1 of preparing Probes to send out. Rocks headed for the Marcus Aurelius 2 and they send out a Probe as Learna talked with Rick on how the Sentinels felt uneasy of the attack on the the Invid remaining as they had no Regent nor Regess and still posed a danger. Lisa suggested a Main Gun Assault and Rick said to send more Probes after Max was finished with the battle. Thanks to a Perytonian contact, the Orchestra would be over a sickness in a few days and Musica talked with Bowie about the Beleusans who were industrious and had machines that processed Protoculture better than them. Translating their language was tricky as the word for "Hello" was "My god is lettuce" in Tagalog. Bowie was now an Alien Language and culture researcher and met with Lancer, Minmei and Sera who he gave a music CD as a gift for the day Tirol, the Sentinels and Humans celebrate Breetai's sacrifice to stop The Regent.

Minmei talked with them about her love life and all except Rick had died with the last one falling in a Time Travel Experiment. Rick and Max ordered all ships to fire on the enemy and sent in Probes. Commander Sefton told of something folding in by her ship after 3 of the 4 Probes were destroyed. Something enormous folded in but was cloaked and they appeared to be massive Mecha that dwarfed the Veritechs like Veritechs dwarfed Humans. The mechs left without a fight and Max ordered in a chase but there was a massive energy build up and Max ordered all forces to Fold out but the light of the energy build up approached the Marcus Aurelius 2.





Behind The Scenes[]

The planet of Haydon VI is mentioned but not elaborated on. Whether it is a new location, or a typo intending to be Haydon IV is unknown.

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1: A Sort of Homecoming: Prologue none