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Robotech Aftermath 4: Fate is the fourth title in the alternate continuity Robotech: Aftermath line. It introduces the stories of Scott Bernard's friends after the Third Robotech War and centers on the peaceful location of Belmont.
At Castle Fate in the snow, Rand posed as a Traderman from Oplisa and pulled a gun on the guards Rollo and his ally to get his tools ands keep the guns he said he'd trade them. After tying them up in the shed and taking their uniforms, Lancer and Rand go in to rescue Sera. Rook and Bella scoped out Hohsq's forces and recognized the Zentraedi Harmony Fist Flag. They planned a strategy on how to take on Hohsq's forces as Rook lamented Bella being involved in a murderous fight against an enemy at her age. In Castle Fate, after searching several rooms, Sera sent Lancer a message psychically of a ventilator number and a can of tomatoes which he went into and left his shotgun as it wouldn't fit in the vent. Rook briefed her troops on the plan to hit Hohsq's forces hard and fast and flank them while using fog as cover. Lancer and Rand find Sera as Hohsq remembers his wife and noticed she was blocking his perceptions while luring her allies in and run the intruder alarm. Sera reveals that Hohsq has used his Protoculture called Teth to use the chalk drawing on the floor to seal her in a barrier she couldn't cross. Guards came but by the time they got in, Rand had scraped off the chalk on the floor and the 3 climbed a rope of cloth tied together into the vents. Rand, Lancer and Sera escape to find a nuclear reactor in the base and Hohsq and his men arrived and had the 3 at gunpoint. They couldn't fire as a steam pipe to the reactor was behind the humans and a rupture would send high pressure steam to cook them alive. Sera sang and it held off the Zentraedi as they escaped and Lancer danced and fired a shot into the steam pipe and blew the area. In the battle, Rook slew an enemy with an Iron Butterfly sword as her troops slew the enemy. Outside the trio made it to the Veritech Hohsq had. Hohsq protected himself and his men with his cloak and found the trio had locked them in and told Heuneinnian to prepare his Special Unit, have Chaver board Unit 2 and he'd use Unit 3 to deal with the Humans. At the Veritech Lancer used a mind controlled helmet to access the system and as the guards came out, Lancer swatted them away and took off with them in the mechs hand. Hohsq attacked in a Destroid Phalanx and damaged the Veritech's hand. Hohsq ordered Lancer to put down Sera and went on about how the Zentraedi had been tread on for too long but was hit with a Missile launched by a vehicle lead by Annie.
- Rand
- Rollo
- Lancer
- Rook Bartley
- Bella Leigh
- Sera
- Hohsq
- Kashiya Staczny (Mentioned)
- Heuneinnian
- Chaver (Mentioned)
- Dolza (Mentioned)
- Robotech Masters (Mentioned)
- Mint
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