Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
SC-Planck Shuttle Sentinels Comic

The SC-Planck Shuttle was a ship used by the Robotech Expeditionary Force aboard the SDF-3. After Tesla had killed the Regent Clone, he and Burak were taken by Exedore aboard the SC-Planck Shuttle to rescue Rick Hunter and the Sentinels on Praxis. Jonathan Wolfe went with Tesla and Burak but they were recalled by the R.E.F Council after the Regent clone was found dead. (Robotech II: The Sentinels: Escape from Tirol).

During the Sentinels time on Haydon IV, it was used to carry Rick and Lisa Hunter and Karen Penn from the planet's surface but was forced down by Invid Assault Speeders and return to the Regent after Tesla has caused his ship, the SC-Hubble Shuttle, to go off course after mind controlling the pilots with his newly evolved abilities (Robotech II: The Sentinels: Monkey Wrench)
