Seb was the name of a Tirolian who was one of the many natural-born citizens left behind by the Robotech Masters on Tirol. When the Invid sent down a series of Inorganics to begin attacking those on the planet and to search for the Protoculture they believed to be there, Seb and another Tirolian named Jerl watched them from afar. Seb conceived of a plan for Jerl to fire his missile launcher at a series of rocks, causing an avalanche to fall over the Invid robots — a plan which seemed to work, as the machines were crushed. The pair then found themselves surrounded by Invid Hellcats, which attacked, killing Jerl.

Seb is killed by the Invid Inorganics. (Robotech II: The Sentinels Book 1 4: "The Inorganics")
Seb jumped to the ground below, tricking the Hellcats to jump with him, and activated his Rocket Boots, so that he slowly lowered to the ground while the Hellcats fell directly and shattered. At the ground, he was horrified to see the Inorganic Odeons begin to rise from the rocks which they had crushed them under — apparently indestructible. He begged for his life, which meant nothing as the robots surrounded and killed him. (Robotech II: The Sentinels: "The Inorganics")
Behind the Scenes[]
In the episode, the fate of Seb and Jerl is left clear but unseen. In the comic, however, it is clearly stated and shown that the pair are killed. The script for the episode, released in Robotech II: The Sentinels Script Book Volume 1, notes that the two should be twins, an idea apparently missed in production. The pair also look entirely different in their comic appearance, Seb losing his black hair and mustache for apparent blonde-curls and Jerl lng much of his defining chin.