- You may be looking for another Sparks, whom appeared in the Masters Saga.Earth Reclamation Force
Spence "Sparks" Baker worked next to General Reinhardt on the SDF-4 during the final attack against the Invid on Earth.
He earned his nickname as a reflection of his longtime role as a communications officer for the general staff, though the moniker became permanent and that is how everyone refers to him. (Bio)
"Sparks" was mission control aboard the SDF-4 under General Reinhardt during the Battle of Reflex Point, with him coordinating the different battle groups during the battle. When General Reinhardt ordered the use of the Neutron-S Missiles to destroy Reflex Point when the battle tide turned against them, he showed some hesitancy but still relayed the order to launch the missiles. When the Invid left the Earth and destroyed the Neutron-S Missiles, "Sparks" ordered all surviving battle group to regroup at Moon Base ALUCE. ("Dark Finale")

Sparks during the final battle against the Invid (Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles)
Behind the scenes[]
In at least one source gave his name as Spence "Sparks" Baker, although Robotech: The Art of the Shadow Chronicles noted him as Spencer Park. There is also another Sparks in the Masters Saga, but no proof exists to suggest that they are one-in-the-same.