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Skull Leader Super Shadow Fighter (Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles)

Skull Leader Super Shadow Fighter Dogfighting

Experimental thruster and weapons bay Modification

“They're more faster and more maneuverable, and their weapon systems pack a big punch. Otherwise they're just like the old Alphas.”

- Maia Sterling to the rest of Skull Squadron.

Skull Squadron Super Shadow Fighters (Fighter-Mode)

Skull leader and Skull Two Super Shadow Fighters (Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles)

Skull-Two Super Shadow Fighter Prototype Guardian-Mode

Super Shadow Fighters were a type of advanced Veritech fighter developed by the Robotech Expeditionary Force at the end of the Third Robotech War.


Super Shadow Fighter Concept Art(1)

Experimental Armor Modifications

Skull Squadron Super Shadow Fighters in formation

Skull Squadron Super Shadow Fighters in motion. (Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles)

These craft were based on the VFA-6X Shadow Fighter, Alongside the VF/A-6ZX and the VF/B-9X Shadow Beta as an Alpha-Beta Combo and contained a number of experimental modifications along with armored booster attachments designed to extend the capabilities as well as firepower of the fighter in space before the onset of the Fourth Robotech War. Among these upgrades were sets of boosters and missile packs which were attached to the Alpha Fighter section of the Shadow Fighter. The additional thruster and weapons bay were in contrast attached to the Beta Fighter section of the Veritech. These modifications led to an increased load on the space frame design of the Fighter which was pushed it to its very limit. This was why Super Shadow Fighters were not practical in atmospheric environments, this made the Veritech more faster and more maneuverable and had the weapon systems packing a greater punch.

In addition, these craft used Shadow Devices like the original Shadow Fighter and could be equipped with Synchro cannons with the additional thruster and weapons bay attached to the Beta Fighter section of the Veritech, there was also an emergency ejection system so the Synchro cannon could also be jettisoned in case of an emergency, there also was a missile section inside the additional thruster and weapons bay attached to the Beta Fighter section of the Veritech which could be extended during combat, there were also prototypes that did not yet have the shadow tech systems implemented making them similar to the old Alpha Fighters which meant pilots would need to rely on skill over technology.


Skull Three and Two

Skull Squadron Super Shadow Fighters in Motion. (Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles)

By the onset of the Fourth Robotech War, prototype Super Shadow Fighters were undergoing field testing at Space Station Liberty. At this time, the Haydonites embarked on their plans to eliminate civilizations that used Protoculture and betrayed their Human allies in the REF. This led to the Battle of Space Station Liberty where Captain Vince Grant discovered that the Shadow Technology contained traps installed by the Haydonites, who could then destroy any craft that utilized their advanced technology. As such, Skull Squadron under Lieutenant Commander Maia Sterling were forced to retreat and find new mecha without Shadow Tech systems.

REF Super Shadow Fighter Prototype (Fighter-Mode)

REF Super Shadow Fighter Prototype Inside the Mecha Hangar (Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles)

Super Shadow Fighters inside Liberty’s Mecha Hangar

Super Shadow Fighter Prototypes Docked at Space Station Liberty. (Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles)

They discovered the Super Shadow Fighters in the Robotech Factory Satellite where their Shadow Devices were not fully implemented for combat. As a result, they were easily removed or disconnected along with the Synchro Cannons which could be overloaded by Haydonite Disruptor Waves. During her briefing with the surviving Skull Squadron, Lieutenant Commander Sterling informed her pilots that the Super Shadow Fighters were faster, more maneuverable and had weapon systems packing a greater punch. However, with the removal of the Shadow Technology, they were similar to the old Alpha Fighters with her stating that they needed to rely on skill over technology.

Skull Two Super Shadow Fighter Prototype Battloid Mode


The Previous Prototype Super Shadow Fighters were used by Skull Squadron to combat the Haydonite attackers and provided enough time for the crew of Space Station Liberty to escape onboard the Ark Angel.

Much of the final design is used from the concept art designs from The Art of Robotech: the Shadow Chronicles.



Super Shadow Fighter Concept Art

Concept Art


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