Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
2nd can

This work is considered secondary-canon. Although it has not yet been removed from the Robotech universe, it is still not considered Primary Canon. See Continuity and Canon in the Robotech Universe.

The Hin was an altered state of consciousness that is experienced by Garudans and those who inhale the atmosphere of the planet Garuda. It can have negative effects on those who's brains are not designed for it such as Humans or Invid. Its effects can be fatal but can be reverse through a Garudan Ritual that allows the consciousness's of Garudans to infiltrate the dream realm of those affected by it and assist them in escaping. At times the ritual is not enough and it takes a technological attempt such as the machines of Haydon IV.

While trying to liberate the planet during the Pioneer Expedition, several human members of the Sentinels were exposed to it by an Invid scientist in order to torture them for information, but they were rescued in time by the rest of the cohort and brought to Haydon for treatment.

