Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
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Tim Eldred (born 9 June 1965) grew up in Michigan. In the early 1980s he published his work in Pacific Comics' Wild Animals. In the early 1990s he was a designer for Gamemaster books. He has contributed to "Cybersuit Arkadyne" by Ianus Publications and 'Death Rattle' for Kitchen Sink Press.

He did art on Malibu's Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and The Strangers, Eternity Comics' Robotech, as well as the Star Blazers' comic book series published by Voyage Entertainment. Later, Eldred moved into animation, creating several of the episodes of the Godzilla cartoon series that followed the late 1990's movie. His graphic novel "Grease Monkey" was published by Tor Books in 2007.
