Robotech Saga Wiki
Robotech Saga Wiki
United Earth Government Headquarters

The United Earth Government North American Sector. (Robotech: The Movie)

The United Earth Command Headquarters was a structure on the planet Earth in the North American sector that was established by the United Earth Government. It established in the years after the First Robotech War and served as the home for the United Earth Command.

During the Second Robotech War, the Robotech Masters cut the communication link between United Earth Command and its strategic orbital observation outpost, Space Station Liberty.

The base was located in the wilderness of Alaska during the First Robotech War and was a top secret location with high security. Much of it was underground with only an observation tower and flight deck visible from the surface. After the SDF-1 returned to Earth, Lisa Hayes and Henry Gloval met the Governing Council to discuss the encounters with the Aliens and what to do about the civilians aboard the SDF-1.

