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Robotech Saga Wiki

The VQ-6 Vandal Alpha Drone is a Robotech Expeditionary Force Veritech Fighter controlled either remotely or by the onboard semi-autonomous AI system. By the time of the Third Robotech War they were considered antiques.


While largely similar to the Alpha Fighter, the Vandal does lacks several features, such as the Beta Fighter’s docking ability and Cyclone’s storage compartment, and it only has claws for hands. Since it has no pilot, the drone is able to perform high-G maneuvers that would normally kill a human. However, the AI system is limited and faces difficulties with swarming enemies. "(Homefront")


The VQ-6 VAndal Alpha Drone was built for the REF.

Donald Maxwell, a mayor in South America, had three of them. By the time of the Second Earth Reclamation Force, they were considered antiques.

The Robotech Rebels were in need of a way to get over the mountains, so Yellow Dancer met with Maxwell, who was rumored to hold a maps to a route across the mountain, to set up a rock concert in exchange. The mayor's home was opulent and unusual, with the cavernous living quarters held a small fleet of antique planes, Maxwell's most prized possessions except for Carla Morales.

Lancer rejoined his friends and bid farewell to the departing Annie who found herself another family that was heading across the secret route to a new home. She provided her old friends with a copy of the map they have just purchased, but Lancer sensed something amiss and visits Carla again. She became evasive when asked about Donald's business but eventually revealed he sold fake maps that lead people to their doom and no one else knew because no one came back.

Racing to find Annie and her new family, they discovered them already under attack from Invid Scouts and defeated the aliens only to face Donald Maxwell who aimed his weapon at them, but Rand got the drop on him. To save himself, he handed over a copy of the real map, showing the correct route in case he ever needed a getaway plan. Carla vowed to join Lancer and the team and Maxwell realized he lost his most precious possession.

As the crew attempted to head to the secret path, Maxwell made a diversion for them using the antique Vandal Drones, as he was willing to sacrifice his second most prized possessions for Carla's safety. With that, Carla realized that despite his faults, she was meant to be with Maxwell, and returned to him. (Robotech: The New Generation: The Secret Route)



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