This work is considered secondary-canon. Although it has not yet been removed from the Robotech universe, it is still not considered Primary Canon. See Continuity and Canon in the Robotech Universe. |
Worlds Of Robotech: Feral World 1: Nightmare on Garuda was the fifth story in a six-part series on the different world of Robotech.
Plot summary[]
A week after Vince Grant and the Sentinels left Garuda after its Liberation the remaining forces set up a base in the last Hive and examined the Invid's Technology and experiments on the Flower of Life and Garudan Atmosphere. Byron Jones recorded a log and mentioned how Garudans needed the microorganisms an elements in the atmosphere that gave them higher awareness and perception as well as access to the higher plane of existence they call The Hin. The Invid were trying to access The Hin without being killed by the Atmosphere which was poisonous to all but Garudans and Tirolian Clones that adapted to the environment. The ensign attempted to access the Invid Brain which had subjected itself to the atmosphere and went into a coma. The higher brain areas ceased function but the lower and involuntary ones still functioned which kept the Hive systems running. Jones wished they could have learned from it to find Invid weaknesses but Grzon felt its best its dead as he felt anything connected to the Invid was no good and Shara felt its best to destroy it. Outside the Garudans celebrate but suddenly stop and attack the REF soldiers who fire warning shots that failed to scare them off. Roberts was going to end them but Lansing stopped him as there were too many of them and they escaped on Hovercycles but a few fell to the Garudans. Lansing contacted the Home Hive but was told the event as happening there as well and included the Tirolan Clones. The Hovercycles were attacked by Bioroids which took out Roberts' vehicle but Lansing saved him and they went on until Matt lead the Blue Squadron sent by Jones arrived and took out the Bioroid Hovercrafts and legs. Blue Three wanted to slay the Garudans who would not be stopped but Matt ordered to him use Incendiaries to form a fire trench to keep them contained. Lansing and Roberts arrived at the Hive and Lansing told Jones the attackers were not in control and attacking each other. The ensign said they were not attacking Tirolians as they were affected by the Hin and share a hivemind so to survive they should breath the Garudan air and enter the Hin. Mylar offered to Amalgamate with the planet as the elements in the Atmosphere would be in the rocks and Jones sent Roberts and Lansing with him. The Garudans jumped through the fire trench despite taking burns and Jones ordered Blue Team to lead them away from the fire. In the lowest level of the hive Lansing and Roberts found an outcropping of rock for Mylar to meld with and while inside saw that the Invid Brain was controlling them. The brain attempted to control him but Mylar separated himself from The Hin and rock and informed them of what he discovered. Grzon was going to destroy it but the ensign said it could kill the controlled and that the Brain was having a nightmare and as it was in The Hin, it transferred to the others so he used an electrical impulse to stimulate the umbilical chord to revive the higher functions and draw it from the Hin. As the brain awoke it screamed that Garuda mut die and the soldiers blasted it til it blew apart. Matt reported that the infected returned to normal and Jones suspected it might have been an Invid trap, an experiment gone wrong or insanity that made the brain do what it did and they began readying to clean up.
- LT Byron Jones
- Ensign
- Grzon
- Shara
- Sgt Lansing
- Roberts
- Blue Three
- Matt
- Mylar
- Vince Grant (Mentioned)
- Sentinels (Mentioned)
- Invid Brain
Vessels and vehicles[]
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